My name is Rick Vancleeve and I am the founder and CEO of Pine Cove Consulting. I went to school in Great Falls, Montana, then on to Montana State where I majored in Education, with a business minor. I finished my education at MSU-Billings receiving my Master Degree in Secondary Education with an emphasis on Information Systems. My first job was at Rocky Mountain College as their defensive coordinator for the football team. From there I went on to take a teaching and coaching position in Thermopolis, Wyoming. During my time there I took over as one of the first technology coordinators in the State of Wyoming. In 1993 I started our business which is currently Pine Cove. I have served in many rolls from sole technician, to account manager, to CEO of our corporation. We have been through the entire gamut of technology change from, DOS, Windows, Cloud Computing, to now having a strong emphasis on cybersecurity. Our goals from inception was to serve the under served, and provide services that are hard to find locally in both education and the public and private sector.
The people, as with every company, have differences of opinion, but when the going gets tough everyone pulls together. Our team has 360 degrees of personalities, but everyone is pure fun to be around. I would consider each employee as someone I would like to hangout with.
Short answer: Pretty Random! From working on customer long term planning, to budgeting, my day is pretty varied. I still go on the road throughout Montana and Wyoming to attend conferences and visit with our customers, however not near as much as I used to.
Number one, is being with family, especially my grandkids. I like to boat, snowmobile, travel, and other activities with family and friends. Not sure I really like golf, but I heard that if you’re a businessman, you should golf. I’m pretty sure it is a love/hate deal for me at this time (today it’s a hate thing).